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Navigation and Control Icons
Navigation and control within the application is by action icons. These icons are unlabelled but tool tips are revealed when you hover the mouse pointer over them. The icons used and their meanings are as follows:
Description | Icon | Description | Icon |
Assessed |
New version of a risk |
Add new |
Return |
Cancel |
Run search |
Clear filters |
Save form contents to database |
Clone a Risk |
Select User |
Delete Risk |
Show less filters |
Decrease sequence number |
Show more filters |
Generate Report |
Undo data entries to screen form |
Increase sequence number |
Upload document file to store |
Kick off workflow |
View Audit Trail/History |
Link a Document |
View document |
E-mails and Notifications
Here is a complete list of Emails and Notifications triggered by the system.
Trigger | Received By | Email Message |
When a Risk is raised |
When a Risk Factor is calculated (which happens on the Save of a Risk record) and the Risk Factor is High |
The Risk Type Owner and all users in the Risk Type owning group (if such a group is identified) |
When an attempt is made to set a Risk’s status to Approved and the Risk Owner is not the Owner of the Risk’s Type |
The Risk Type Owner and all users in the Risk Type owning group (if such a group is identified) |
When a Workflow is Kicked Off |
The Actionee of the first Action in the Workflow |
When follow-up Actions are issued |
Actionee |
When a Risk Suggestion is created |
User who suggested Risk. Also sends the user responses to the suggestions |
When a suggested Risk is moved to Under Assessment |
User who suggested Risk. Also sends the user responses to these suggestions |
When a Risk is evaluated as “high” |
If the Risk Type owner is not the session user, they are sent an email to notify them of evaluation |
When a Risk changes ownership |
New Risk Owner (unless they are the current session user) |
If a Risk needs to be approved |
Risk Type Owner (Unless Risk Type Owner is the person who passed the risk to approval stage) |
If an item is linked or unlinked in the associated item screen |
Owner of the associated item |
Term | Definition |
Action |
A task, the details of which are stored in a record, having a short descriptor, an Actionee (i.e. doer), a start date, a number of days allowed to complete, a completed date. One or more Actions in sequence form a Workflow. |
Approval |
The process step in which a Risk is formally adopted if, after Assessment, it is decided it has to be managed – e.g. annually reviewed, mitigated. |
Approved |
The fourth and final status given to a Risk. It follows the status of Assessed. |
Assessed |
The third status given to a Risk following Under Assessment. |
Assessment |
Process in which a Risk or threat is evaluated in terms of its Likelihood of it happening in a specified time period AND the Impact it will have. |
Asset Type |
A grouping of assets of a similar nature. An attribute of a Risk, for analysis, reporting or management information purposes. |
Coordinator |
The person responsible for the administration and management of Risks handling. |
Detectability |
A measure of the visibility of a threat – i.e. to what extent it can be predicted or, from the opposite point of view, is hidden. |
Impact |
The effect of a Risk or threat happening. Can be measured in any chosen terms (say cost, reputation, measure of health, quality of life, delay, etc.). To determine a Risk Score, each degree of Impact (Severity) has to have a numerical value. |
Launch |
The status given to a Risk at the time its details are being entered into the system. |
Likelihood |
The likelihood of a Risk or threat happening within a specified time period measured in percentage terms. This could be estimated or assessed in qualitative terms (say high, medium, low) before conversion to a numerical value. |
Metadata |
A set of data that describes and gives information about other data. Additional fields for collecting information in the Risk Details screen. |
Mitigation |
An action taken, or set of actions undertaken, or measures instigated, that have the intended effect of reducing the Likelihood and/or Impact of a Risk. |
Owner |
The person with overall accountability for a specific Risk from Assessment through to Mitigation completion. |
Phrase |
Text (one or more words) which is placed on a screen form (as a title, label or tool tip) or in an email, modifiable by Users who are a Risk Administrator. |
Predictability |
A measure of confidence associated with the timing (as opposed to probability) of a threat. |
Risk |
The term used to identify a threat to (e.g.) life, health, financial stability, profitability, efficiency, safety, quality, etc. |
Risk Administrator |
A user role with permissions to view, set up, change contents of, and delete any record in the application. Member of system group RSKADM. |
Risk Class | A risk class is a score calculated from the Likelihood and Impact of a risk. This is often a 2D risk heat-map with High, Medium and Low banding. In EQMS the Risk Class will be displayed on the Risk Class screen and can also be viewed in Reports such as the Risk Heat Map 1105 |
Risk Type |
A one, two or three words indication of the general nature of a Risk or the area in which it could arise, which if not sub-divided, may govern the criteria for assessing the impact of a Risk and the person or persons accountable for its Mitigation. |
Risk Incident |
An event, details of which may have been first recorded in Incident Manager, which are recorded because it is considered to expose a Risk which should be managed. |
Risk Factor |
The product of the Weights of Impact, Likelihood and Detectability |
Risk Level |
An interpretation of Risk Score into High, Medium and Low. |
Risk Manager |
A user role with permissions to view, set up, change contents of, or delete any Risk record in the application. Can view (only) the details of Risk Type records and Risk Administration entity records. Member of system group RSKMGR. |
Risk Register |
A table of Risks records which include Risk attributes and associations with other entities (e.g. Assessments, Documents) |
Risk Score |
A value calculated from the Weights attributed to the Likelihood of Risk the Impact of Risk and the Detectability of Risk. Often the calculation is a simple multiplication. |
Risk User |
A user role with permissions to view (only) the stored records of any/all Risks and Risk Types. Cannot see/access Workflow or Risk Administration records at all. Member of system group RSKUSR. |
Settings |
A number of values that govern the behaviour of Risk Manager. Also known as Module Settings. |
Severity |
Rating for the degree or extent of Impact. |
Status |
An indicator of the stage of processing of a (Submitted, Under Assessment, Assessed, Approved) The first status of a Risk. |
Submitted |
The first status of a Risk. |
Tags |
Simple identifiers used to help organise risks |
Tooltip |
A tooltip is the text that is revealed when the mouse is hovered over an icon, link or metadata form |
Type |
An attribute of an Impact, Likelihood or Detectability which groups together instances of these entities which are applicable to the Type of Risk. |
Under Assessment |
The second status in the Lifecycle of a Risk. For a Risk it follows Submitted and precedes Assessed |
Weight |
A numeric value within a pre-defined allowable range, that applies to Impact. Likelihood and Detectability that indicates the respective importance when calculating a Risk Score and Level of Risk. |
Workflow |
A documented series of Actions. In the application there are workflows for processing Assessments, and for processing Risks with High, Medium and Low Level Risk Scores. |