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Supplier Manager Permissions

Facilities available in Supplier Manager are enabled by EQMS System Group membership. To have certain functions available, one needs to belong to the appropriate Group.

To protect the functional integrity of, and the data processed by Supplier Manager, users are grouped by the permissions they have to see tabs, read data, and to create, update and delete records and the data within them. The groups are: -

Roles & Responsibilities

Code Title Description



SUPADM Supplier Administration A member of this group can perform all functions within the Supplier Manager Module. A member of this group can create and maintain Supplier Records where permission is granted Yes
SUPMGR Supplier Manager Can maintain Supplier Type records that they own. *Can Create Supplier Types if System setting Supplier Managers To Create Supplier Types is set to TRUE. Can view Product details and audit trail history Can view Product Type details and audit trail history Can create and maintain Action Types. Can create Review Paths for the generation of workflows of Supplier or Product review. Yes
SUPUSR Supplier User A member of this group has limited Read Only Access No


No other EQMS users have access to Supplier Manager, although actions can be associated with them and completed via the To-Do list

Permissions Matrix

Access to EQMS Supplier Manager X X X
Access to Supplier Administration X    
Create and Maintain Supplier Types X ^  
Create Supplier Records X ^^  
Maintain Supplier Records X ** *
Create and Maintain Product Types X    
Create Product Records X    
Maintain Product Records X * *
Create and Maintain Action Types X X  
Create Review Paths X X  



Has Permissions


if Owner

* Read Only


If enabled in Module Admin

^^ If permission for that Type is granted