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Supplier Manager - Reports

Audience: Supplier Administrators


ID Title Scope
801 Supplier Report A customisable list of Suppliers and their details
802 Supplier Approved Products A list of Products, grouped by their approved Suppliers
803 A list of Supplier, grouped by their approved Products A list of Suppliers, grouped by their approved Products


Using Reports

When you see your Report, after selection and possible filtering and selection of the Preview button, you will have a number of ways to navigate and use the Report.

Options available:

Item Description/Usage
[Back] button Select to return to the list of Reports screen
[Preview] button Revise your filters and select this button to present a different selection of data
or These arrows may be used when green, to replace the current Report selection with the selection which preceded or followed it in your current choice of this Report.
or These symbols may be used when blue to display the first or last page in the current selection of the Report.
or The chevron symbols may be used when blue to present the previous or next page of the current selection of the Report.
This icon may be used to refresh the Report. It will return to the database, which may have changed since first presented, and apply your filter again, to produce a refreshed Report.
The camera icon may be used to present the Report in the form in which it will be printed (as A4 portrait or landscape pages)
The print icon will send a link of this Report selection to your system's Print window so that you can direct it to be printed on your chosen printer in your chosen form.
This @ icon may be used to toggle the Filter panel off and on. This can present you with more, vertically, of the Active Area within which to view the Report.

Exporting the Report

One item omitted above is the Export to the selected format dropdown.

This offers the choice of a number of a options described below.

Format Selected Result
Acrobat (PDF) file Standard Adobe Reader screen for .pdf output, of similar appearance to the Report layout.
CSV (comma delimited) Spreadsheet style output with headings and column headings repeated for every detail line of the Report. May need to see the source Report layout to deduce what the detail columns are.
Excel 97-2003 Spreadsheet output mimicking the "paper" layout. Column headings appear above their detail but Group and Heading references, and space rows may present subsequent data sorting problems, where the Report is not designed primarily for spreadsheet output.
Rich Text Format .rtf file of similar appearance to the Report layout.
TIFF file .tif file of similar appearance to the Report layout.
Web Archive .mhtml file of similar appearance to the Report layout.

Select the now active [Export] button to view or take a copy of the report in the desired format