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System Maintenance

Audience: System Administrators

Objective: To provide guidance on System Maintenance and Housekeeping. Create and maintain system Broadcasts.


Module Parameters

System Administrators can change the system by altering the system parameters. To alter the system parameters:

  1. Select System Manager | Tools | Module Parameters. You will be presented with the EQMS System Manager Parameters screen with the following settings available:
Module Setting Functionality

Acknowledgement Password

Enforces entry of user password when Acknowledging a Group Notification

Action Reminder Count

This is the number of repeat email reminders sent for issued actions. Permitted range is 1 to 10.

Action Reminder Days Interval

This is the number of business days between sending repeat reminders for issued actions. Permitted range is 1 to 5

Action Reminder Period

This is the number of business days from an issued action’s target date for the sending of an email reminder. A negative number means that the reminder will be triggered before the target date. Permitted range is -10 to 10.

Active Directory Authentication

Authenticate user credentials with using Active Directory

Active Directory Domain

Used if ADServerAddress is not set

Active Directory Server Address

If set this takes preference over ADDomain

AD FS Authentication

Authenticate user credentials with Active Directory Federation Services.

Allow External User Login

Allow external user accounts to have login enabled; they will only have access to the external user portal

Allow Login to be Bypassed

Displays the System URL in Document details screen and enables the display of a document when called externally using the secure System URL. If document permissions are in place will force user login

Authentication Types Used For Login

None=0, EQMS=1, Windows=2, AD=4, ADFS=8, Azure=16

Auto Complete

Disables and/or hides completion fields and enters current user and date

Azure AD Authentication

Authenticate user credentials with Azure Active Directory

Azure AD User Sync

Determines whether user synchronisation with Azure AD is enabled

Broadcast Window

Specifies how to open broadcast documents (new browser tab or current)

Bulk Downloads

Used by application to enable Bulk Download Indexing facility

Company ID value

Used by all User SPs in a multi-instance installation to provide company filter

Dashboard Chart Permissions

Applies user permissions to Summary views of Dashboard widgets

Data Entry Line Space

Sets vertical space between fields on data entry pages

Default Email Address

The default e-mail address to send all system e-mails from if the "Use Default Email Address" setting is switched on. If left blank, "eqms@qualsys.co.uk" will be used.

Default Password

Default password for New Accounts (can be changed by User, System Manager or Administrator)

Default Sidebar

Default Sidebar Loaded by System Manager when To Do list is empty

Delete User Accounts

Allow physical deletion of User accounts – Not recommended

Dialog Start Dir

Used for start point of file dialogues

Document Drafting

Enables or Disables Document Drafting. Not in use

Enable a Group Manager to Create User Records

Allow a Group Manager to create new user records. Otherwise only System Administrators can.

Enable a Group Manager to Maintain System Groups

Allow a Module Group Managers to maintain System Groups.

Enable Broadcasts

Allows the use of Broadcasts within EQMS

Enable Guest Access

Used by application to enable/refuse guest user access - including via hyperlinked shortcuts to system.

Enable HTML auto complete for Login form

No longer in use

Enable Line Management

This enables a User account to be linked to another User account as their Line Manager

Enable TDL Preview

Allows a preview

Force Navigator Display

Forces the display of Navigator over the To Do list display

Group Limit

The limit after which the Groups drop down box is no longer presented

Help Desk Email Address

Email address for the help desk for the system. Usually Qualsys support

IE download URL

URL of the latest version of IE for download

Integrated Authentication

Used by the system to bypass user login and display the system URL in emails

List Row Height

Sets the row height for all list screens

Module Owner

Company name of module owner

Netscape download URL

No longer in use.

Output folder used by the Adeptol AJAX Viewer

Physical directory used for output from the Adeptol AJAX Viewer. SWF and PDF documents are created here during the conversion process.

Password Confirmation

Used by the system to force the entry of a password before completing actions

Physical Directory for Upload

Used by FSO function to identify the physical upload path

Produce Audit Trail

Used by application to write some database changes to an Audit Trail

Product Set Description

No longer in use

Remote User Sync

Determines whether remote user synchronisation is enabled

Remote User Sync Digest

Determines whether remote user synchronisation digests are enabled

Remote User Sync Digest Recipients

The email address)es) of the remote user synchronisation digest recipients

Remote User Sync Email New Users

Determines whether new users receive an email informing them that an account has been created. This email will contain their password

Remote User Sync Use Default Password

Determines whether new users are provisioned with the password specified in the Default Password module setting. If disabled, new accounts are provisioned with an auto-generated random password.

Report Period

Sets the default period in months to be used as date ranges by reports

Script name to run on Initialisation

No longer in use

Session Timeout

Used by the system to set the session timeout period

Show Action Results History

Show the Action results history

SMTP Authentication Type

Authentication method for the SMTP server. Valid options are Anonymous, Basic or ServiceAccount

SMTP Basic Authentication Password

SMTP server password. Used when SMTPAuthType is set to Basic

SMTP Basic Authentication User

SMTP server username. Used when SMTPAuthType is set to Basic



SMTP Remote Host

Used by the system to determine which SMTP host to use

SMTP Service

Used by the system to determine which SMTP ActiveX server control to use

SMTP SSL Enabled

Determines whether SSL is enabled or SMTP communications

Tel Support Number

Helpdesk Telephone number

URL After Logout

Used by the system to load the next page after logout

Use Action Reminders

Used by the application as a trigger to send email reminders for issued actions

Use Default Email Address

Used by the system to send all system emails from the default email address

User Follow-Up Action Reminders

Issue repeat email reminders for issued actions

Used by the Easy PDF converter for Word documents.

Used by the PDF converter to determine which version of Windows and Word is in use

User Limit

The limit after which the User drop down box is no longer presented

Version Auto Increment

Enables or disables document drafting Version Auto Increment. No longer in use

Virtual Directory for Application

Used by the system to build internal links in HTML documents

Virtual Directory for Drafts

Used by the system to determine the virtual path for draft documents

Virtual Directory for Upload

Used by calls to Persits control to identify the virtual path