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Training Manager Reports

Several different report varieties are available from within the Reports tab of Training Manager.


Reports are only available to Module Administrators


Catalogue of Training Manager Reports

ID Title Scope
1003 Training Not Done and Retraining Overdue A full list of Training Records that have not been confirmed for both New Training and Retraining. Supports the ability to include inactive training courses
1004 Training Done by Training Provider A full list of training done by a selected Training Provider
1008 Training Courses with Record Count List of all training courses with number of records for each course
1009 Cancelled Training List of cancelled training with the reason for cancellation
1099 Training Matrix A comprehensive view of your full Training Matrix. Multiple filters available. Includes Internal/External user filter


Several different widgets are available for Training Manager within the EQMS Dashboard.


Access to Dashboard widgets can be granted to users by a System Administrators from within the Admin Panel of Dashboard.


ID Title Scope
28 Training Activity A bar chart of Training Records which were New, Overdue, Overdue Re-Training, Confirmed Late and Confirmed within the selected time frame
29 Training Status A donut chart showing the percentage representation of Training Records in the system grouped by their current status
30 Training Required A bar chart of Training required by role, confirmation, retraining, previous training
31 Training Manager KPI’s A bar chart showing Training Records Scheduled but Late, Completed Late, Not Scheduled.