Issue statuses and status groups

Audience: Issue administrators, Issue managers


Throughout the life-cycle of an issue record, it will pass through different statuses e.g. Raised, In progress, On hold, Completed, Closed. EQMS status groups are used to define which statuses are available for selection with each Issue type.


Statuses | Status groups



Statuses are the individual labels applied to issue 'states'. They allow users to easily see the progress of an issue at a quick glance and are useful for organising issues and reports.



Status groups

Issue status groups are used to batch a series of statuses together to assign to an Issue type. Assigning a status group to an issue type restricts the issues down so that only the statuses within the group are available for selection. For example, you may have some issues where you want to allow users to select 'On Hold - Awaiting customer response', whereas that may not be appropriate for other types of issue.