Finding records

Audience: Audit administrators, Audit managers, Audit users


List | Details | Create | Edit | Tasks | Associated issues


Throughout the audit or inspection process you may observe various non-conformances, issues or areas for improvement. In EQMS we refer to these records as Findings. For each possible issue you find, you can raise a simple finding records to help identify, correct and prevent.

Each finding record can have an associated task to help correct the problem, however, for more complex processes you can also raise an associated issue record (EQMS Issue manager required).


Findings list

To view the issues list:

  1. Navigate to Home > Audits > Findings . You should be presented with a screen similar to below:

[click image to expand]

Select any finding from the list to view the record details

  • Standard list screen filters and Export available.

  • Additional filter of 'Show my findings' available. If this box is checked, the list will only display issue records where you are listed as the owner



Finding record details

To view the details for a finding record:

  1. Navigate to Home > Audits > Findings
    1. Select the finding from the list screen
    2. Select View from the options dropdown []

You will be presented with a screen similar to below:

[click image to expand]

The details screen will list all key details for the issue including its status, finding type and an associated task or issue record.


Raise new finding record

Finding records are raised from within audit records, either associated with a specific question in the questionnaire or to the overall audit.

To raise a finding:

  1. a) From the questionnaire: Select raise finding from the more options drop down in the question field..
  1. b) From the findings tab of an audit record: Select the raise finding button.
  1. Select a finding type. The screen will refresh to reveal additional details field.

  1. Enter a title
  2. Provide a description of the finding
  3. Select save to confirm. The screen should refresh to reveal the 'Edit finding details' screen and allow you to perform further actions such as raising a task or associated issue.

See below for additional information on any of these steps.

Don't worry if you miss or forget any of the mandatory fields as the system will prompt you when you select save.


Manage finding records




Close finding records