Action types

Audience: Module administrators, Managers with workflow permissions


Action type list | Create new | Edit existing | Copy


Action types are the templates used to define the settings and parameters for the individual actions within EQMS across all modules. Each action type contains a target duration, associated escalation and multiple options that can extend or restrict the options an actionee will have when carrying out the action or task.


Action Types list

To view the action types list:

  1. Navigate to Home > Workflows > Action Types. You should be presented with a screen similar to the one shown here:

[click image to expand]


Select any action type from the list to view the action type details

Standard list screen filters and Export available.



View action type details



Create new action types

To create a new action type:

  1. Navigate to Home > Workflows >Action types.
  2. Select Create from above the list. You should be presented with a screen similar to below:

[click image to expand]

  1. Provide a useful Title. This will be used to identify the action type throughout the system as well as forming the default title for any actions of this type used in a workflow.
  2. Select a target duration and duration unit (Days, Hours)
  3. If required, select an Escalation path.
  1. Enter template instructions for the action type. These will form the default instructions provided with this action to an individual actionee. Make sure that the instructions provided are clear and understandable to prevent any confusion down the line.
  2. Select a default priority. The priority is used to help organise the task list.
  3. Action types can be used throughout EQMS. However you can specify that this particular action type is restricted to certain modules. Your options are: All, Audits, Documents and Issues. The action type will be available for selection when creating workflows within any of the specified modules. Tick the boxes next to the modules you want to allow.
  4. Ensure that the Active checkbox is ticked. Only active items are available for selection, inactive items will not appear in selection lists.
  5. Specify the settings for the action. The settings define what a use can and cannot do when carrying out an action of this type. Details on each of these settings is listed below:



  1. Select Save to confirm the creation of your new action type


Actions with outcomes

If you enabled 'Require outcome on completion' you will see additional fields appear for you to define the decision point.


Decision points are questions with a binary response e.g. Yes / No, A / B, Accepted/ Unacceptable etc.

[click image to expand]

  1. Enter an outcome statement. This is usually a question presented to the actionee e.g. 'Have previous actions been completed to a satisfactory standard?'
  2. By default the two possible outcomes are Yes and No. These can be easily amended by changing the text in the relevant outcome field (A or B)



Edit existing action types






Copy existing action types