Audience: Audit administrators, Audit Managers with Question permissions
The questions area of Audit manager is where you can view, edit and create new questions. Each question record acts as a template for use when building your audit checklists and can be used in as many different checklists as you would like.
Questions list
- To view, create and edit questions, navigate to Home > Audits > Questions. You should be presented with a screen similar to below:
[click image to expand]
- Select any option from the list to view the details.
- Standard list screen filters and Export available.
- 'Show inactive' will include any records currently marked as inactive in the list results.
Selecting the options icon [] at the end of each row will reveal how you can interact with the record.
For questions, the options are**:
Option | Description |
View | Select to view the details screen |
Edit | Select to enter the question details edit screen |
Copy | Select to use the record as a template for a new question |
**Permissions apply
Create new questions
To create a new question template:
- Navigate to Home > Audits > Questions.
Select Create. You should be presented with a screen similar to below:
[click image to expand]
- Enter a code for reference. These can be extremely useful when building your checklists and filtering through long lists of questions.
Consider deciding on a standard convention for your codes. For example, all Health and Safety related questions could have a code prefixed with HS e.g. HS-001
- Next, enter the Question text. This is the actual body of the question e.g. "Are all fire exits clear of obstruction?"
- Optionally, you can provide a useful help text. The help text will be displayed to auditors as a tooltip when completing a checklist.
- Ensure that the 'Active' checkbox is ticked. If enabled, the question will be available for selection when building a checklists.
- Choose 'Select' to add a pre-defined response to your question using the Response list modal.
- If required, you can set permissions against the record to prevent/allow specified users to edit the record.
- Select Save to confirm the creation of your new question.
For additional details, see below:
Responses define how an auditor will be able to answer the question. Response types vary from multiple choice and binary responses to date and text fields.
To select a response:
- Choose Select in the Response field of the Question details screen. You will be presented with a pop-up modal, similar to below.
[click image to expand]
Use the Select response modal to find the required field(s)
Once located, check the box in the far left of the suitable row(s)
Select confirm to associate the response to the question
- Select Create. A create new response panel will slide into view, similar to below:
[click image to expand]
- Follow the instructions here to create the new response
Permissions apply. If you do not have permission to create new responses, the Create option will not be available to you
Questions can be restricted so that only users within a defined group can view, edit or manage. You can define the question permissions down the right hand side column of the details screen, similar to below:
[click image to expand]
To allow specific groups or users to edit the question
- Tick the Enable edit check box in the Restrict permissions box in the right hand side column of the screen.
- Select Select in the Groups or Users section. This will present you with a Select group or user modal similar to below:
[click image to expand]
Use the Select group/user modal to find the required group(s)/user(s)
Once located, check the box in the far left of the suitable row(s)
Select confirm to associate the group(s)/user(s) to the question template record
Any user or group given permission here must also have at least Issue User level permissions granted by a System Administrator to be able to access Issue Records.
- Select Create. A create new group/user panel will slide into view, similar to below:
[click image to expand]
Permissions apply. If you do not have permission to create new groups or users, the Create option will not be available to you
View question details
Viewing the question record gives you a read-only view of the permitted details.
To access the question details screen:
- Navigate to Home > Audits > Questions and either:
- Select view from the more options button []in the list screen
- If you have read-only access to a question you can simply select the type from the list
You should be greeted with a screen similar to below:
[click image to expand]
The details screen will list all key details to do with the question including associated response and permissions
- The details screen is read only and all fields should be greyed out.
- Select the edit icon in the top right to access the edit details screen
Edit existing questions
To edit an existing question:
- Navigate to Home > Audits > Questions.
- Either:
- Select a Question from the list to view the edit screen
- Select Edit from the options icon [] in the relevant row
- For more information on issue details, see above
- To remove any information, select the delete icon next to the relevant data in the details screen
Copy a question
EQMS allows you to copy a question record to use as a base template for a new question. This reduces the time required when creating multiple similar question.
To copy an existing question:
- Navigate to Home > Audits > Questions.
- Either:
- Select a question from the list to view the edit screen and select Copy from the more options icon [ ]
- Select Copy from the options icon [] in the relevant row in the list screen
This will reveal a new Question details screen with all core details from the copied question type contained within including any associated custom fields, permissions and notification groups.
[click image to expand]
- Complete the details for the new question by amending any of the existing fields. For more information on creating a new question, see above